This study examines the Israeli pension system with its two levels – National Insurance and Pensionary Saving – and produced profiles of employees by population groups using income surveys and a unique simulator that allows cutting the revenue available upon retirement. This report describes the foundation work and findings from the work. The study binds together many issues: economic, empirical general knowledge regarding pensions, and National Insurance; institutional, legal knowledge about pension activity in Israel; statistical knowledge of Israeli data bases; actuarial data on life expectancy and disability and mortality risks, which are essential to understanding comprehensive pension plan pricing; and pension taxation knowledge, which enables analyzing the impact of the tax system on the pension system results.
A report for the National Insurance Institute, the Economics and Society Program at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Department of Economics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B 653 Beer-Sheva, 8410501 Israel