conferences and events


The launch event for The Center of Pension, Insurance, and Economic Psychology

The launch conference of the Center for Pension, Insurance, and Economic Psychology was held on November 20, 2014, at Ben Gurion University, with the participation of the governor of the Bank of Israel and capital market executives.


פרופ׳ אביה ספיבק
Prof. Avia Spivak
קרנית פלוג
Dr. Karnit Flug
יוג׳ין קנדל
Prof. Eugene Kendall
Ms. Dorit Slinger
Ms. Eti Aflalo
יהודה כהנא
Prof. Yehuda Kahane
אהוד שפירא
Dr. Ehud Shapira
פרופ׳ דוד לייזר
Prof. David Leiser
ד״ר אייל כרמל
Dr. Eyal Carmel
ענת לוין
Ms. Anat Levin

Conference program

Pensions, Economic Psychology, and Insurance: Challenges and Opportunities

Prof. Avia Spivak, The Center for Pension, Insurance and Economic Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Pension savings - Trends, Challenges and Questions​

Dr. Karnit Flug, Governor of the Bank of Israel

Issues in the Pension System​

Prof. Eugene Kendall, chairman of the National Economic Council

Transitioning from Financial Education to Informed Consumerism

Dorit Slinger, head of the Capital Market, Insurance, and Savings Division at the Ministry of Finance.

Panel Discussion: Pension Reform - Individual Responsibility and Economic Psychology

Moderator: Etti Aflalo - Calcalist
Participants: Anat Levin, Ehud Shapira, and Yehuda Kahane

Redistributing Earmarked Bonds: Proposing Integrated Financial Tools​

Anat Levin, Clal Insurance.

Key Trends Influencing Pension Savings in Israel

Dr. Ehud Shapira, chairman of Psagot Investment House

The New Economy and the Future of Pensions​

Prof. Yehuda Kahane, Tel Aviv University

Pensions and Economic Psychology - Academic Research Trends​​

Prof. David Leiser and Dr. Eyal Carmel, The Center for Pension, Insurance and Economic Psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev